A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World is the most moving story you'll read this year. Perfect for readers of Life of Pi, The Girl with all the Gifts or Station Eleven - Griz's dystopian tale mixes sadness and hope after the apocalypse, in one unforgettable character's journey to retrieve a stolen dog.
Ever been lost for words abroad?
When you want to get your point across abroad there's only one way to do it: by swearing your ar e off! Impress the world with a stream of multi-lingual profanity from this nifty pocket book.
In this poignant and emotionally wrenching tale, famous curmudgeon Catwad faces loss, fear, and struggles with his own mortality when his best friend Blurmp receives news of... wait, who are we kidding? This isn't a melodrama -- it's another laugh-out-loud Catwad from Jim Benton!