- Wichtiger Beitrag zu Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte - Erzahlt überraschende Kulturgeschichten- Bruch mit traditionellen Narrativen
- Wichtiger Beitrag zu Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte - Erzahlt überraschende Kulturgeschichten- Bruch mit traditionellen Narrativen
- Outstanding contemporary paper art- Technical precision combined with playful lightness- Unbiased view of the architecture and everyday life of the German Parliament
- Outstanding contemporary paper art- Technical precision combined with playful lightness- Unbiased view of the architecture and everyday life of the German Parliament
-One of the great artists, who were ahead of their time-Rebellion against social and political conventions-Unconventional view of the work
-One of the great artists, who were ahead of their time-Rebellion against social and political conventions-Unconventional view of the work
- Life and work of Lucas Cranach the Elder- Renaissance in Germany - Third volume of the A-Z series
- Life and work of Lucas Cranach the Elder- Renaissance in Germany - Third volume of the A-Z series
-Catalogue raisonné -Attractive standard work -Comprehensive survey of the artist's oeuvre
-Catalogue raisonné -Attractive standard work -Comprehensive survey of the artist's oeuvre
- A fresh look at Paul Cezanne- Pioneer of modernist painting- New volume built around an A to Z concept
- A fresh look at Paul Cezanne- Pioneer of modernist painting- New volume built around an A to Z concept