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Sexuelle Bildung für das Lehramt

Maria Urban, Sabine Wienholz,
+ 26 weitere
30,80 €
Die Autor*innen präsentieren die Ergebnisse der dreijährigen empirischen Forschung des Projekts »SeBiLe - Sexuelle Bildung für das Lehramt«. Sie stellen das daraus entwickelte praxisorientierte Curriculum zur Umsetzung konkreter Inhalte in der Lehramtsaus- und Fortbildung vor und zeigen verbliebene Handlungsbedarfe in Forschung und Praxis auf.
The Eastern Roman Empire under the Severans

Julia Hoffmann-Salz, Matthäus Heil,
+ 1 weiterer
98,00 €
The year of the four emperors in AD 193 shows the cosmopolitan interconnectedness of the Roman Empire, yet scholarship has long framed the Severan dynasty in a narrative of descent stressing their North African and in particular their Syrian origins. The contributions of this volume question this conventional approach and instead examine more closely actual Severan policy in the Near East to detect potential local connections that determined this policy as well as how local communities and elites reacted to it. The volume thus explores new beginnings and old connections in the Roman Near East. What happened in the Eastern Roman Empire under Severan rule - do we see new beginnings, old connections?