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Siegfried Kuhn

Siegfried Kuhn, Nora Mathys,
+ 1 weiterer
49,40 €
Zwischen Sensation und Routine: Erzählungen eines Pressefotografen und die Geschichte einer traditionsreichen Illustrierten der Schweiz
Sammy Gronemann: Kritische Gesamtausgabe / Briefwechsel

Jan Kühne, Joachim Schlör,
+ 1 weiterer
124,95 €
This book-series, initiated in 1992, has an interdisciplinary orientation; it comprises research monographs, collections of essays and annotated editions from the 18th century to the present. The term German-Jewish literature refers to the literary work of Jewish authors writing in German to the extent that Jewish aspects can be identified in these. However, the image of Jews among non-Jewish authors, often determined by anti-Semitism, is also a factor in the history of German-Jewish relations as reflected in literature. This series provides an appropriate forum for research into the whole problematic area.
Wie Destruktivität die Geschichte lenkt

Gerd Jüttemann, Gerd Jüttemann,
+ 17 weitere
30,80 €
Die Autorinnen und Autoren betrachten die Entwicklung der menschlichen Destruktivität aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und stellen dabei die Frage, inwieweit psychopathologisch anmutende Phänomene unter bestimmten Umständen auch eine konstruktive Entwicklung auslösen und so positiv bewertet werden können.
Caring for Cultural Studies

Alexandra Ganser, Alexandra Ganser,
+ 22 weitere
42,00 €
The Festschrift on the occasion of Monika Seidl's retirement reflects on cultural studies as a discipline, its history and possible futures, aspects of care as in crisis and as practiced by Monika Seidl, and engages with her academic work in articles of different styles by contributors including Magdalena Berger, Lawrence Grossberg, Sabine Harrer, Roman Horak, Christian Huck, Thomas Kühn, Elisabeth Lechner and Judith Kohlenberger, Barbara Maly-Bowie, Timo Frühwirth and Sandra Mayer, Anette Pankratz, Annegret Pelz, Monika Pietrzak-Franger, Julia Pühringer, Susanne Reichl, Ranthild Salzer and John Storey. It includes a preface by Alexandra Ganser. Honoring Monika Seidl, a Key Figure of Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna
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