Offers an in-depth look at the craftsmanship, artistry, technology, and more than ten-year journey that took the world's bestselling fiction from page to screen. From elaborate sets and luxurious costumes to advanced special effects and film making techniques, this title chronicles all eight films.
Startling, provocative stories that grapple with the online reality we all inhabit, where clicks, codes and memes shape identities, personas and reputations.
Pass your level 1 music test with Tom Gates! From DogZombies to Dude3, music is a HUGE part of the Tom Gates world. Learn how to play all your favourite songs from the series with REAL notation for: - Guitar - Ukulele - Piano - Recorder And with notation for drums and tips and tricks for vocals!
Even dragons can learn how to share! Ruby the dragon follows all the rules in her Dragon Rule Book: she steals from everyone, and NEVER shares her treasure with ANYONE! The other animals are desperate - until they come up with a clever plan to change the Dragon Rules... Nicola Kinnear's warm-hearted, funny picture book is a fabulous, fairytale celebration of the importance of sharing.
It's really cold outside and we're all hoping it's going to snow. Yeah! Derek and I could make a snow Rooster and have a snowball fight (look out, Delia!). Granny Mavis has started to knit me a new winter jumper, but by the looks of things I'm not sure it's going to fit. . .
Emily and Navin's mother is still in a coma from the arachnopod's<br />poison, and there's only one place to find help: Kanalis, the beautiful<br />city of waterfalls. But when Em, her brother, and Miskit<br />and the rest of the robotic crew aboard the walking house reach the<br />city, they quickly realize that seeking help is looking for trouble,<br />dangerous trouble.
<p>Specially compiled to provide the most deadly Su Doku challenge, this is the only volume for Su Doku enthusiasts who need a puzzle that really tests their mettle.</p>
Young brunette women are being attacked in the city of London. 16-year-old, Irish-born Niamh has just arrived for the summer, and quickly discovers that the girls being attacked look frighteningly similar to her. A chilling YA thriller that will have readers looking over their shoulders.
In der beliebten Netflix-Serie "Gabby's Dollhouse" erlebt die bezaubernde Katzenfreundin Gabby mit Panda Pfötchen die fantastischsten Abenteuer. Komm mit in Gabbys magisches Puppenhaus und tauche ein in eine Welt voll süßer Kätzchen, Spiel, Spaß und zauberhafter Momente, bevor es Zeit wird, ins Bett zu gehen. Ein absolutes Muss für kleine Katzen-Fans und ein perfektes Geschenk!
Cole's family is struggling to make ends meet, until the day a painting of Cole's is unexpectedly sold in a fancy London gallery. But when Cole is threatened with an exposure, he must crack the mystery of another mysterious painting.
Welcome to Buenos Aires, a place of nightmares and twisted imaginings, where missing children come back from the dead and unearthed bones carry terrible curses. These brilliant, unsettling tales of revenge, witchcraft and fetishes spill over with women and girls whose dark inclinations will lead them to the edge.
Dieses Lehrbuch ist ideal für den Einsatz im Musikunterricht in Musikschulen. Mit ihm lernen die jungen Gitarristen Schritt für Schritt und mit kontinuierlichem Aufbau, die schönsten Kinderlieder - alt vertraute, aber auch aktuelle - oft nur mit zwei oder drei Akkor den zu begleiten. Dabei brauchen Sie keine Noten, sondern spielen nach Griffbildern und Akkordsymbolen und erlernen nach und nach die wichtigsten Akkorde, Schlag- und Zupfmu ster. Die Melodien sind auch in Noten dargestellt, so dass gemeinsam gesungen oder mit anderen Instrumenten musiziert werden kann. - Eine Kinderlieder-Sammlung, die einfach nur Spaß macht!<br />Die Ausgabe mit CD (Bestell-Nr. AMB 3140) ist ab ca. Ende Juni 2017 erhältlich.