A Grave For Two is the first instalment in Anne Holt's new crime series featuring Selma Falck - a thrilling, intricate and page-turning new novel from the godmother of Norwegian crime fiction.
Civic design: a practice in urban and landscape planning explicitly oriented towards the common good, maintaining healthy ecological habitats, and offering intergenerational and inclusive recreational opportunities through the creation of park systems.
Set in Los Angeles and Nashville over a long, hot summer, this gorgeous contemporary YA romance shimmers with love, friendships - and family frictions.
The Supa Buddies bamboozled the baddies, but all's not right in the world. Dog Man has a new problem to pound, and he's going to need his entire pack to help him. Will he go barking up the wrong tree?
Why can we never seem to keep on top of our workload, social diary or chores? Why does poverty persist around the world? Why do successful people do things at the last minute in a sudden rush of energy? Here, economist Sendhil Mullainathan and psychologist Eldar Shafir reveal that the hidden side behind all these problems is that they're all about scarcity