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Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection #2

19,00 €
Oscar, ever the miniature grown-up his mom needs him to be, decides to take something he wants . . . even though he knows it's wrong. Stanley is newly dumped, stuck in a dead-end job for a mysterious employer, and unable to connect with anyone. And Devon, abandoned by his dad and ignored by his mom, can't understand why love and friendship come so easily to everyone except him. Unfortunately, in the callous world of Five Nights at Freddy's, it's always in the depths of loneliness when evil creeps in.
Small Pleasures

13,40 €
Explores and appreciates the small pleasures found in everyday life
Pussy Yoga - Das Workout-Book

13,30 €
Der Beckenboden-Trainer für jeden Tag Dieses Arbeitsheft hilft mit zahlreichen Übungen Tag für Tag, den Beckenboden wieder zu aktivieren und nachhaltig zu stärken. Egal ob am Schreibtisch oder in der Küche, es gibt keinen falschen Ort, um seinen Beckenboden zu trainieren - und Frauen mit trainiertem Beckenboden kommen leichter zum Orgasmus.
Brilliant Maps

20,20 €
See the world anew with this beautifully designed infographic atlas. Which nations have North Korean embassies? Which region has the highest number of death metal bands per capita? Revelatory, thought-provoking and fun, its a unique atlas of culture, history, politics and miscellanea. A stunning piece of cartography that maps our curious and varied planet.
Challenger Deep

10,70 €
A powerful and captivating novel about mental illness, Challenger Deep is a tour de force by New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman. First published in the US in 2016, it is the winner of a National Book Award and a Golden Kite Award. Neal Shustermans son Brendan was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager.Twelve pieces of artwork in the book were done by Brendan himself.

12,10 €
In a warren of crumbling buildings and desperate people called the Old City, there stands a hospital with cinderblock walls which echo with the screams of the poor souls inside.In the hospital, there is a woman. Her hair, once blonde, hangs in tangles down her back. She doesn't remember why she's in such a terrible place-just a tea party long ago, and long ears, and blood...Then, one night, a fire at the hospital gives the woman a chance to escape, tumbling out of the hole that imprisoned her, leaving her free to uncover the truth about what happened to her all those years ago.Only something else has escaped with her. Something dark. Something powerful.And to find the truth, she will have to track this beast to the very heart of the Old City, where the rabbit waits for his Alice.
Siblings Without Rivalry

17,50 €
Von den Autorinnen von "So sag ich's meinem Kind" kommt ein Ratgeber, der speziell auf die Probleme zwischen Geschwistern eingeht. Adele Faber und Elaine Mazlish erklären anhand zahlreicher anschaulicher Beispiele und Comics: Wie Sie durch einfache Gesprächs- und Umgangsregeln Rivalitäten zwischen Kindern abbauen können. Wie Sie Ihren Kindern helfen unangenehme Gefühle auszudrücken. Wie Sie Selbstbewusstsein und Motivation jedes einzelnen Kindes stärken, ohne ungerecht zu sein Praxisnah und leicht verständlich, erklären Adele Faber und Elaine Mazlish Ihren Erziehungsanasatz, der ganz auf gelingende Kommunikation setzt. Ohne Missverständnisse und voller Wertschätzung füreinander - so lernen Geschwister einander zu respektieren und wachsen gemeinsam zu selbstbewussten, einfühlsamen Erwachsenen heran!
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