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14,10 €
Raina wakes up one night with a terrible upset stomach. It soon becomes clear that Raina's tummy trouble isn't going away... and it coincides with her worries about food, school, and changing friendships. What's going on?
Tom Gates - Genius Ideas (mostly)

10,70 €
"Seeing Delia without her sunglasses on is a BIG shock, but that's nothing compared with the surprise Dad has in store for me with his new found fitness regime. He says he's going to compete at my Sport's Day. Shame! Meanwhile Derek, Norman and I keep practicing in DOGZOMBIES so we're really ready for the school Talent Show."
The Baby-sitters Club: Kristy and the Snobs: A Graphic Novel

16,50 €
Kristy has moved to the ritzy neighborhood across town. The other members of The Baby-sitters Club think it's a good opportunity to get new business, but the kids who live nearby aren't cool. They criticize Kristy's clothes and make fun of the BSC. Worst of all, they laugh at Louie, Kristy's elderly collie. These kids are snobs! But if anyone can show them, it's The Baby-sitters Club!
Im Rhythmus man mit muss.

13,30 €
Jeder Musiker sollte die verschiedensten rhythmischen Muster mit Leichtigkeit spielen und auch die entsprechende Notation richtig lesen können. Das Schwierige dabei ist die Leichtigkeit.Im ersten Teil dieses Büchleins geht es darum, wie man diese Leichtigkeit gewinnt und allgemein ein gutes Gefühl für Timing und Rhythmus bekommt. Im zweiten Teil findet ihr praktische Übungen für Gitarristen.
My Self, Your Self

16,60 €
<p>What is a self? Is it <strong>INSIDE</strong> of us? Or <strong>OUTSIDE</strong> of us? Your self is a lovely self, so let's get to know it.</p> <p>What is a self? Is it INSIDE of us? Or OUTSIDE of us? Your self is a lovely self, so let's get to know it.</p>
Herlt: Flach / flacher / Flachbildschirm

5,95 €
Der ehemalige Fernsehfachmann seziert die Sendungen, untersucht Meldungen und deren Platzierung, nimmt den Zeitgeist auf die Schippe und spricht bittere Wahrheiten aus. Und erinnert uns an unsere Bürgerpflicht: Motzen statt Glotzen!
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